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Looking for that unique shot that means so much or would make a great gift.
I love the challenge a new commission brings and welcome shooting that perfect image for you.
From just £15 you will get my full expertise in delivering that required shot. Please click here to enquire today.

Wedding Gift
New commission of the Didsbury House Hotel in Manchester supplied as a framed print.

House Warming Gift
New commission of an apartment building in Salford that was the lady in the pictures first home.

Anniversary Gift
New commission of the Bluu bar in Manchester with light writing of the date the couple first met.

Birthday Gift
Mini figure Captain Marvel in front of John Rylands library in Manchester as a gift.

For the clients office wall
New commission business premises shot for the offices in Hale.

Anniversary Gift
New commission of The Grill on the Alley in Manchester that was the venue a couple went on first date as a gift.
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